Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Toymaking "Chinaman" Answers Mr Bob Beckel

Background:  Fox News host Bob Beckel used a racial slur in a rant about China on 'The Five' July 10th.  "The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.S.," he said. "They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen -- er, Chinese people -- how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us."... He continued: "Doesn’t anybody worry about these people? There’s billions of ‘em. And all they do is hack into our stuff, they send us cheap toys, all of which got lead in ‘em and they’re killing kids.“

Here's a toymaking Chinaman's answer to Mr Beckel.

Ironically as a toymaking ”Chinaman", I agree with Mr Beckel.    We the Chinese did make some cheap toys: like paper, printing press, gunpowder, compass.  During our millenia of
uncivilized isolation, we only by pure accidents managed to send these cheap
toys abroad to enable Western Renaissance, the Religious Reformation, great
navigational discoveries and the age of global conquests.  Some of these
cheap toys even killed people, we wish we could unmake them.   We definitely
should work on them more.

I also agree with Mr Beckel:  America was the birthplace of internet and computers, plus great many other worthier toys, and even some worthy ideas .   For these, the humble toymaking Chinese are deeply indebted to America.  

Mr Beckel's America was also a racist America, that out of all the worlds' people, singled out the Chinese for particular discrimination, legally barring the Chinese from both immigration and interracial marriage.  This semi-genocidal policy effectively erected a great divider between the Chinese and the Americans for three generations, and profoundly damaged America's national interest in the latter half of 20th century.  My earlier post explains this connection more fully.

In the first half of 20th century, the Chinese were betrayed by their former friends of millenia past, invaded, brutalized, murdered by the millions.  Their collective trauma was so extensive,  that many Chinese learned not to trust modernity and friendship.  Yet, the Chinese never forgot our American friends and allies in our dire need either.   Some Chinese still trusted in America, honoring America by becoming Americans, honoring America's principles as ambassadors of peace and equality, like Millie Vautrin and Robert O Wilson did in 1937 during the most trying circumstances.

These Chinese Americans have many faults, but shrinking from a challenge is never one of them.    In his own way, Mr Beckel is handing them a challenge: "Make Mr Beckel the last China-hating racist on media".     By rising to this challenge, they contribute to America's future, fortify America's peace and honor their Chinese heritage, toys and all.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Anti-China Bias in Media (11)

Title:  Obama’s Asia rebalance turns into headache as China, Japan relations spiral down

My commentary: Unilateral Japanese ADIZ is ok and even unilateral enlargement is fine.    Chinese ADIZ (with 2 year advance notice to Japan) is suddenly worse than Japanese PM worshipping Yakuzuni.   How biased does Washingtonpost get?

However, actually this piece did hit the danger and hypocrisy of "Rebalance to Asia" aka "Pivot to Asia" head on.   No matter how the administration and the media try to whitewash it, "Rebalance to Asia" =  Containing China's peaceful rise, and is inherently adversarial and antagonistic.    It must be renounced and abandoned for real peace.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

How The Chinese Exclusion Act Lost China in 1949

America had a long history of anti-China immigration policy since 1880s.
The Chinese Exclusion Act being a prime example.  Was it just a footnote
of history, or did it carry a serious consequence?

My thesis is the latter.

Due to the Chinese Exclusion Act, between 1880s to 1930s,
few ordinary Chinese had the opportunity to live and
 work in America and China-US exchange were limited to educated elites (many
 thanks to the US inviting and funding China's students in US).  After 1930s
, despite close military alliance between the KMT and the USA, the common
people of China remained deeply ignorant of this far-away friend called the

When American pilots (Doolittle raid 1942) landed
in China, the Chinese villagers helped to evacuate the majority to safety.
The common Chinese supported American war effort not
because they knew anything about American character and friendship,
but simply because an enemy of the enemy (Japan) is my friend.
Even without a deep understanding of their friends the Americans, the
common Chinese made enormous sacrifices for the China-US alliance.
250,000 Chinese villagers were murdered by the Japanese
in retaliation for Doolittle Raids alone and in total 20+ million
Chinese perished and innumerable women were raped during the
Japanese occupation.   Most if not all the Chinese's first hand
experience with any foreigner came from their life experience
dealing with the Japanese, a modern people and a courteous people,
who turned out to be mass murderers and rapists.

As a result of this hard lesson in modernity, the common Chinese started
 by being mostly ignorant of Americans, ended up losing trust in both
 humanity and modernity, and could easily be turned against a far-away
unknown friend like the USA.    The Chinese public witnessed the
slow progress of American justice against Japanese war criminals
with bewilderment and incredulity.  In 1946,  the rumored rape of a Chinese girl
by American soldiers triggered massive anti-US demonstrations in China.
Guess who raped many Chinese women?  The Japanese.
The Chinese people were jumpy and angry and still suffered from PTSD of
Japanese occupation, and they did not have enough interaction with Americans to
convince them that Americans were that much different from the Japanese,
both being foreigners, courteous and modern.

In 1943, the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed.   But the repeal came too little,
too late.  The vast gulfs separating two people, artificially created by an unjust law,
had already done its damage.   By 1949, the common people of China turned
 away from the KMT, America and the world, they turned inward and towards
the Marxists' doctrines in hopes of  salving their incredible suffering under
 the Japanese occupation.

This is how the world works in strange and unexpected ways.   This is how
 the Chinese-Exclusion-Act (1882) indirectly contributed to China's
anti-America policy between 1949-1976.

Back to today, vast overwhelming majority of Americans were good people and
are still good people, trying to make peace and make friends.  So are the
vast majority of Chinese.   I do not think there's a conspiracy against
Chinese Americans.

But the current foreign policy "Pivot to Asia" is as close to an anti-China
"conspiracy" as tainting the entire Obama Administration
and casting the American role of traditional peace maker in East Asia
into a very suspicious and un-peace-loving light.

This anti-China foreign policy must be renounced and abandoned.   It
jeopardizes America's interest and if allowed to continue could escalate
tensions on East Asia and embroil America in a conflict that neither China
and America want.

China and US have worked together before, and must continue to work together
for world peace for as long as humans live.   There is no turning back, there is
 no turning inward.   We must build bridges and build trust and build peace
together.   In order to do that, the USA needs to drop the hidden dagger and
approach China in peace, and ask for trust again.   True bridge of trust must
be built between two people,  a bridge once weakened and corroded by the
unjust Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, but is absolutely necessary for future peace.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Tojo Letter To American Public

------  Someone wrote this:  no idea who.    Here's the wiki page for Tojo:
Listen up, American Public:
My resurrected form, Shinzō Abe, has been brilliant and effective in my PR to convince you to support us in rewriting our history during my administration. I appreciate your understanding that it is imperative for us to have a new Constitution so we will have no hurdles to militarize my country. You know, the current constitution is humiliating to us. We were glorious occupier in Korea, major
section in China and many other parts of Asia. We had comfort women, unlimited
access to our colonies’ free resources, and many prisoners as test subjects for
our biological weapons. With our F-15s and F-35s supplied/to be supplied by
you, our next rounds of Kamikaze strike will be much more effective. The fetal
error we made was Pearl Harbor event before we had a-bomb. Otherwise, it would
not be my descendants having annual Siren Days to commemorate Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, it would….. Well, let me stop here so I will not ruin Abe’s current
Other day, Abe went to Yasukuni shrine worshiped my colleagues. He renewed his vow to bring back glorious Imperial Japan. He said passing Secrecy Law was one of the major milestones in his goal. Abe also reveal a secret to us that it doesn't take much to convince American politicians. We all praised and blessed him and his great
efforts in revitalize our dream and glory.
Thank you America for your continued support!
Hideki Tōjō

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Anti-China Rhetoric In News (10)

Headline: Japan vs. China: Tensions Rise and the Race to Arms Surges

My commentary:   This stock-hawking commentater is actually not
just anti-China, anti-Japan, anti-USA.  She's practically
anti-humanity, salivating at the prospect
of 2 billion people playing brinksmanship and potentially
ending in World War III including her own people, because,
...  she owns stocks in defense companies!

"Pivot to Asia", our current foreign policy, is the illicit
love child of the Japanese military right wing and
US's defense industry.  Made in Hell.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Wanted: two shrinks

This is not my favorite subject.
But I see it as necessary because
the wound festered for too long,
and not many people even understood
how it affected our history & cultural
consciousness.  I might as well
get it out and so that we may
get it over with, in my lifetime,
for all future generations.

My people have a seeping,
festering wound in our core.
On the shrinks' couch,
we relieve our hearts of
our woe.

We were turned against each
other by our neighbor's
sly diplomacy.
We were swindled by our
neighbor's sweet talk of
a shared past and future.
20 millions of us were murdered
and raped by the same
courteous and sweet-talking

We were told:
it was all our own faults.
We were weak, we were
ignorant, we were not
worthy of justice, we
were not worthy of friendship,
we were not humanity.

The perpetrators lived on
 in pride and denial,
while we wallowed in
trauma, anger, survivor's
guilt.   We distrusted the
world, and we blamed ourselves,
and we turned against our true friends.
We feared the monstrous modernity
that brought us so much pain.
We withdrew into isolation and
stayed isolated for 30 years.

We turned to ideologies to
salve our wounded souls.
We made choices that defied reason
and led to more suffering.

Our neighbor and our foe,
she laughed at us:
look at the Chinese, the
village idiot of Asia!
She cuts herself, she eats scraps,
She respects no friends;
she is dirty, uncouth
and ungodly!
I pitied her and gave her a dollar,
yet she spit on my face
for some ancient wrong...
she threaten me all the time.
and she's getting stronger...
really she deserves whatever
she got... not that I did anything

We look at her pretty Kimono,
but we are not deceived.
Her voice is steady, but
she is afraid.
We don't need international court
for this ancient wound, though
it's still raw and seeps.
and though our neighbor wants
 to pour more salt on it.

We need 2 shrinks, one for us,
 one for our neighbor.  A shrink for
the survivors' pain, the other for
the guilty's conscience.

Someday we'll be ready to move on:
ready to heal our wound,
ready to trust again,
ready to make friends,
ready to find closure,
ready to build peace,
ready to forgive,
ready to take responsibilities
 for the common future.

It's a small world, no way
to avoid our coy neighbor
, her schemes and subterfuges.
We school ourselves to truth
and reconciliation.   We stand
by each other and our true friends.