Saturday, December 7, 2013

Anti-China Bias in News 4


Headlines:  China and South Korea Built a Statue Together and Now Japan Is 

Subtitles: Plans to erect a monument to a Korean independence hero are 
indicative of closer ties between Beijing and Seoul, and have riled Tokyo

My commentary:  China and South Korea were invaded by Japan.  Japan launched
multiple sneak attacks and blatant attacks with or without various pretext,
death of Ito was neither the first nor the last pretext they used.  Other 
pretexts included a stray Japanese soldier not returning to base, or a 
Japanese fishing boat or whatever.   Remember Pearl Harbor?  What pretext 
did Japan use?

Japan is very good at justifying everything they did, including cold blooded
murder of millions and rapes and enslavement, plus the systematic 
assassinations of Chinese and South Korean leaders when they didn't go along
with the Japanese plans.   

So we know Japan's remarkably sneaky and violent history.  And given its 
continued provocations and subterfuges to this day, any surprises that China
and South Korea still can't trust Japan's peaceful intentions?

That sure riled Japan.   USA thinks Japan is his friend, that's fine, just 
be aware that the lady has a dagger under her fancy kimonos.  And the lady 
is crazy and always made sure USA fingerprint is on her dagger.

Go watch Rashomon.

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