Sunday, December 8, 2013

Anti-China Bias in News 8


Headlines: Time To Get Tough With China?

My commentary: 
Yesterday being the anniversary of Pearl Harbor was a quiet news day with 
just a few short commemoration local news pieces.  The voice of Japanese 
channeling American media turned low in volume.

I was happy about it, but I should have known.   Our Japanese friends never 
rest.   This article mentions "unhappy" Asian experts whispering "Time to 
get tough with China".   I think the Asian should translate to Japanese.

The Japanese on the memorial day of Pearl Harbor, elected to stay low 
profile about its militant past,  keep mum about its new secrets law that 
outlaws journalists, and start a whisper campaign of warmongering instead.  

Given that Japan occupied China for 8 years, killing an average of 3000 
Chinese civilians every day in those 8 years.  For the Chinese, every day is
an anniversary of some kind, the murder of a mother or a father, an aunt or
an uncle, a grandfather and a grandmother.   Every a few day is the 
anniversary of one or other pretext/incident/sneak attack, with which Japan 
seeked to become our master, our murderer and our most unforgettable 

Because we see the Japanese pattern repeating itself:   1) find a pretext; 2
) do the dirty deed (invade, murder, rape, etc); 3) deny the 2) or behave as
if it hasn't happened while they could get away with it.

We dare not forget the pattern, we dare not forget a Pearl Harbor every day 
for 8 years, we dare not ignore the Japanese' whisper campaign.

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